ComfiArt is taking you to the ComfiZone, our blog series where our Chief Executive Officer interviews extraordinary creatives about their life as a creator and beyond. First up to the canvas is Zarinah Dennis, check out her story.

CA: Hello Zarinah, so glad that you took some time with us to talk in the ComfiZone with ComfiArt. You have an amazing story tell me about it.
ZD: My name is Zarinah Dennis. I am a mother of two extremely intelligent and fascinating daughters, a kindergarten teacher with a Master's in Instructional Technology K-12 and an EdS in Curriculum and Teaching. Two years ago, I rediscovered myself and began creating again. I am a beautiful, whimsical mess.
I'm inspired by the various silhouettes and emotions of women in all of their perfectly imperfect states. I call them Bitter Darlings. Each Bitter Darlings expression evokes a different emotion and it is up to the onlooker to depict what feelings they see rather than telling the viewer what they should perceive.
CA: How has your practice change over time?
ZD: Yes, when I was younger I would draw. Now, I paint.
CA: What’s your strongest memory of your childhood?
ZD: Anything involving cars with my dad from auctions to family trips and summers with my cousins in the country.
CA: What jobs have you done other than being an artist?
ZD: I’ve always been a preschool teacher. Currently, I teach Kindergarten. I also have an after-school art program.
CA: What is an artistic outlook on life?
ZD: To me, an artistic outlook on life means to be free to create, to dream and make the impossible possible.
CA: What food, drink, song inspires you?
ZD: Champagne and Project Pat inspire me. If it’s not top notch or ghetto I don’t like it, There is no in between.
CA: What superpower would you have and why?
ZD: Teleportation would be my superpower. I would love to be able to go anywhere at any given time. Going to the airport and picking the next flight out is something I want to do.
CA: What is your dream project?
ZD: Painting a mural and designing a collection for Gucci with Alessandro Michele are dream projects of mine.
CA: What object or tool you use the most that you can’t live without?
ZD: The object I use the most and couldn’t live without is my Amex
CA: This was great! Thank you again for pushing your creativity for all of us to enjoy. You can find Zarinah Dennis of Bitter Darlings on Instagram @bitterdarlings and on her email